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Healthy and thriving forests
also for future generations

Association of Municipal, Private and Church Forest Owners
in the Czech Republic

The Association of Municipal, Private and Church Forest Owners in the Czech Republic (hereinafter SVOL) is a voluntary non profit making organization associating non state forest owners and managers.

SVOL´s mission:

  1. to participate in forming forestry policy and to advocate respecting property rights and ensuring balance among all aspects of forest management in related legal regulations.
  2. to draw attention to social, economical and environmental benefits of community and private forest properties for stability and development of country areas.
  3. to participate in improving expert standards of management of forest properties and to advocate sustainable ways of forest management, among other things by supporting PEFC certification of forests.
  4. to increase prestige of forest staff and to promote consumption of wood as a renewable resource.
  5. to contribute by organising joint business mechanisms to long-term supplier-customer relations, the steadiness of the markets and higher appreciation of the wood produced.

At present SVOL represents more than 1,300 non-state forest owners (communities, towns, private forests, forest co-operatives, church, unions of small-scale owners) managing c. 555,000 hectares of woodlands which are cca 21 % of the total forest area in the Czech Republic.

SVOL´s activities:

  • monitoring of and amendments to the statutory rules and orders in force or in preparation,
  • co-operation in preparation of grant regulations of regions and the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 in the field of forest management and development of rural areas,
  • co-operation with other professional organisations within the country and abroad – CEPFFECOFELO,
  • organising workshops and excursions for owners and administrators of non-state forest properties,
  • forest pedagogy
  • organising joint wood sale,
  • joint purchase of forest material within regions,
  • advisory services and juridical consultancy for SVOL members
  • regular information services for SVOL members,
  • public information, participation in exhibitions, publishing specialised publications,  publishing its own occasional Newsletter for Owners, Administrators and Friends of Forests.